About Us

Sikh Translations is a project under the Umbrella of Everything's 13. Everything's 13 includes projects such as Basics of Sikhi, SikhPA, Kiddie Sangat, Mighty Khalsa, Gurprasaadh Vidhyala, among many others!
SikhTranslations exists through this website as well as a set of social media accounts that present English translations of Sikh content. This project was formally developed in early 2022. This website currently features translations of texts into English, Original English commentaries (steeks) of Gurbani, Original writings, and comparative studies of other philosophical texts through a Gurmat lens. The Instagram account features visual presentations of Sikh texts and commentaries (via video/still image format). The YouTube account features subtitled videos such as documentaries & katha clips.
An example of an Instagram visual analysis!
Before Sikh Translations was formalized as a platform for Sangat, a few translations began of lesser-known texts. When SikhTranslations became a Sangat platform then the intent became to reach out to the wider Sangat. Bhai Veer Singh Ji’s Jaap Sahib Steek and Suraj Prakash Table of Contents Translation were released to mark the change in content. The earlier projects such as the Tao-Te-Ching Comparative Study and Translation of Sri Gobind Gita will become complete but have taken lesser priority due to Sangat demand.
Please see our home page to read all the translated texts and original writings available completely free to Sangat!
In addition to translations, a lot of the texts include transliteration.
We have created our own transliteration system due to the inconsistency in transliteration & the confusion that exists with English pronunciations.
The bottom is a guide on how akhars are transliterated.
Lagaa Akhar represented as following:
kanaa = aa, muktha = a [unless at the end of word], sihaaree = i, bihaaree = ee, laav = ai, dulaav = ae, ounkarr = u, dulainkarr = oo, tippi/bindi = [n] (they are not the same but hard to differentiate in english, so marked by same [n].
Charn Bindi Akhars represented as following:
sassa with bindi = sh, ghagha with bindi = gh, lalla with bindi = ll, khakha with bindi = khh.
Hope you make the most of these translations and overlook any mistakes made...
Guru Panth Da Daas,