Nihung Singh Panth Khalsa

The Founder of the Nihung Panth is Guru Nanak Dev Ji. Satguru Maharaj kept a kangha and dumalla on Their Head, a kamarkassa around Their Waist, a chola on Their Body, and wore a Kachhera (which went from waist to knees). SatGuru Ji also adorned a Kara on Their hand. All of These Relics are still present at Barichipur (Orrisa).
Commonly, every Puratan (olden/ancient) Nihung Singh kept at least a barchha (spear) in their hand and wore Akaali Baana. Giani Gian Singh Ji have written that when Guru Nanak Dev Ji travelled from Dhaka (1569), about 5kms away They went to a village called Dhanupur where Maharaj had a barchha in Their Hand, Chola on Their Person, Kachhera and Kamarkassa among other articles. This is where Satguru Sahib Ji blessed us with the Shabad:
Galeen Assi Changeeaa Aachaaree Bureeaah (Sri Raag, Ang 85).
At the same time Maharaj, blessed a local - named Noor Shah - with Their Barchhaa. Gurdwara Barchha Sahib is still present for Sangat to visit. In this way, Guru Nanak Dev Ji had prepared the foundations of the Nihung Singh lifestyle in Their Beautiful Lifetime.
Upon building Sri Akal Takht Sahib, 6ve Paatshah Ji (Guru Hargobind Sahib ji) blessed us with the Command to wear Akaali Baana and adorn weapons. From then every Sikh held a Kirpan in their hand. 6ve Paatshah Ji even addresses their Sikhs as the Khalsa in one of Their Hukamnamas. We hear about an event from Puratan Gianis about when 6ve Paatshah Ji came to save the Prisoners of Gwalior Fort. Upon the request of Mata Ganga Ji, Baba Buddha Ji came armed and ready with an army of Brave Sikhs to get news of Guru Maharaj. 6ve Paatshah were pleased upon seeing Baba Budha Ji and the Sikh Troops. Maharaj asked how such a large force crossed the Yamuna River. Baba Buddha Ji stated that the elders climbed trees and the youth swam across.
Then 6ve Paatshah Ji commanded that this military culture will spread. In honour of the elder Sikhs and Baba Budha Ji, there will be a Budha Dal in the future named in your honour and those youth who swam will have Taruna Dal named in their honour. (Later on in 1734 CE, Budha Dal and Taruna Dal came into existence) We hear about another event orally passed on about when Guru Maharaj established Sri Akaal Takht Sahib and had weapons showcased. At that time, Maharaj asked for Sikhs to display swordsmanship and warrior feats. All the Sikhs took turns to show their warrior skills. Then one Sikh picked up a Karrcha (Ladle) which was kept on the Palanga (Royal bed-like throne) and displayed warrior spirit. Satguru Ji became very pleased upon seeing this and foretold the Degh-Tegh war cry for the Dal Panth. In 1699 CE, Maharaj blessed Gursikhs in Their Completed Form through the Blessing of Amrit (Khandae di Pahul). They blessed Their Khalsa with the names of Nihung, Bhujang and Singh among the like.
Nihung is a Persian word which means crocodile, Bhujung is a Sanskrit word that means snake & Singh refers to a lion. All three of these are fearless beings. A crocodile is of water, a snake is of the earth, and a lion is of the jungle. Bhai Rattan Singh Ji Bhangu writes that in hard times, Nihung Singhs got out of their homes and became Kings of the Jungle. Leaving the jungles, the Singhs became known as the Kings of the Waters.
As in the following:
Ghar Tae KaDhah(i) So Ban Lukah(i), Ban Taj(i) Neer Lukaaie||
This establishes the concept that the Khalsa are the Kings of the Water, Earth and Jungle.
Bhai Nand Lal Ji referred to Kalgidhar Maharaj Ji as the one who carries us across the Ocean of Battle:
B Bahir(i) Tahaarab, Daminda Nihung||
Pad Arth (word-by-word):
Beheri = Samundar = Sea/Ocean | Tahaarab = Taran wala = Flotation/Carrier | Daminda = Paarh Khaanaa |
In Prachin Panth Prakash , the meaning of Nihung is written as BrahamGiaani, Tatveta:
Nihung Kahaavai So Purakh, Dukh Sukh Mannai Na Ang ||
In the Dialogues of Mecca-Medina, Nihung means TatvaGiaani (someone who knows the Essence of Existence/Spirituality)
Mullah Brahman Na Bujhai, Bujhai Fakar Nihung ||
In Bir Mrigesh Granth, the word Nihung Singh is described as someone whose Ahangta Hankaar Yaspaat (ego/self-existence; Yaspaat not translated) is destroyed:
Ahungta Yaspaat Aso Nihung ||
In Aad Guru Granth Sahib Ji, the word Nihung refers to Nirbhai Purakh (a fearless being):
Nirbhau Hoieo Bhaeiaa Nihungaa ||
Kalgidhar Maharaj Ji use the term Nihung to refer to a Soorma Warrior.
1) Pehla Dalaan Milandiaa Bherhh Paeiaa Nihungaa||
2) Gajjae Nihung || Bajjae Nisung ||